常言道:早睡早起身體好!睡眠质量很重要关键在于深睡眠,可以说只要深睡2~3个小时就足够了。通常情况下,0点至3点是深睡眠时间,但并不是一睡着就能进入深睡眠,有個過渡期,一般是1~1.5小时,那麼,反推算一下,也就是晚上10:30pm ~ 11:30pm之間上床睡覺最好,為深度睡眠做準備。建議最佳作息時間: 春夏季入睡時間:22:00~23:00 ;起床時間:6:00~7:00 ;秋冬季入睡時間:21:30~22:30 ;起床時間:6:30~7:30;中午再小睡片刻有助于恢复精神。
3,癖瘟中药香囊包: (称为“衣冠疗法”)功效:化浊驱瘟、醒脑开窍、预防疾病、芳香化湿、避秽解毒, 预防疫病、刺激机体免疫系统,抵御细菌和病毒、提高抵抗力。适应症:古人云:“戴个香草袋,不怕五虫害”。佩戴香囊预防疫病。香囊中药的挥发性物质可以通过呼吸道进入人体,刺激鼻黏膜,使鼻黏膜上的分泌型免疫球蛋白含量提高,兴奋神经系统。同时有助于感冒、鼻塞、过敏性鼻炎、鼻窦炎等呼吸系统疾病。使用方法:每人1个香囊,每日取出香囊于鼻前闻,每2小时闻一次,每次1- 3分钟,晚上睡觉时也可放置枕边,每次用后放回袋中封口,以免减缓药效挥发,每2-4周更换一次。
* 大疫出良药。中医药(Traditional Chinese medicines)在这次控制和治疗新冠肺炎疫情中发挥了很好的作用。没有西医特效药,也没有疫苗的关键时刻,中医药就是最好的特效方。一,清肺排毒汤 Lung Cleansing and Detoxifying Decoction 清肺排毒汤来源于张仲景《伤寒杂病论》中的几个经典名方(recipes),全方共21味中药成分(herbal components),其主要功效是宣肺透邪,清热化湿,健脾化饮。主要在改善发热,咳嗽,乏力等症状方面见效比较快而且明显,能有效促进重症患者肺部影像学改善。 Lung Cleansing and Detoxifying Decoction is derived from several classic recipes in a traditional Chinese medicine work known in English as Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases, which was written by Zhang Zhongjing sometime before 220 AD. It has 21 herbal components and is mainly effective in improving symptoms of fever, cough and fatigue as well as lung condition, as shown by CT scans, in severe patients. cleanse:清洗,清洁 decoction:煮剂 有关基础研究表明,该方可调控多条细胞因子信号通路(cell signal pathway)——细胞之间发送传递信息,来达到抑制病毒复制的目的,从而避免或缓解炎症风暴(cytokine storm) ——细胞因子受病毒感染等诱因过度反应,不分敌我,造成对自身的伤害。重点作用于肺,同时对多个器官提供保护,可作为治疗轻型、普通型、重型、危重型患者的一个通用方。 Studies have proved the decoction can regulate multiple cell signaling pathways – cells communicating with each other by receiving and processing chemical signals in response to environmental changes – to inhibit virus replication and avoid or mitigate cytokine storms, which are an overreaction of cells that damages the immune system. The decoction targets lungs and can also protect other organs. It can be used as a general recipe for treating mild, moderate, severe and critical patients. 中央指导组专家、国家中医药管理局专家组组长、中国中医科学院首席研究员、中国科学院院士仝小林介绍,到目前为止,10个省份1261例新冠肺炎患者服用“清肺排毒汤”后,1102例得以治愈、29例症状消失、71例症状改善。其中,在40例重症患者服用后,已有28例出院;12例在院治疗,10例症状好转,“由重转轻”,无一例由轻症转为重症或者危重症。 Tong Xiaolin, chief researcher of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and also an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said 1,261 novel coronavirus patients in 10 provinces took the decoction, with 1,102 recovering, symptoms no longer appearing in 29, a further 71 showing improvement and no cases deteriorating. There were also 40 severe patients. After taking the medicine, 28 were discharged from hospital, and the condition of 10 improved, with their symptoms changing from severe to mild.二,化湿败毒方 Huashibaidu 化湿败毒方,是由国家中医医疗队(中国中医科学院)在早期国家诊疗方案推荐使用方剂基础上,结合在金银潭医院临床实践,总结凝练出的一个核心方,全方共14味中药。 Huashibaidu Formula is a core recipe developed by the national traditional Chinese medicine team from the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Composed of 14 herbal components, the formula is based on the recommendations of the early national diagnosis and treatment plan as well as the experiences from clinical practice at Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital.主要功效是解毒化湿、清热平喘,适用于轻型、普通型和重型患者治疗。该方对新冠肺炎可发挥多环节综合治疗作用,可明显缩短核酸转阴时间、平均住院天数,明显改善临床症状、促进理化检查及肺CT好转。通过新型冠状病毒小鼠模型评价,发现该方可以降低肺组织病毒载量30%。 Its main efficacy is to detoxify, remove dampness and heat from the body and relieve cough to achieve an inner body balance. It can be used to treat light, moderate and severe patients. This prescription has a comprehensive treatment effect in different stages of novel coronavirus pneumonia and can significantly shorten the length of hospital stay and improve clinical symptoms and lung condition as shown by CT scans and other examinations. Studies on guinea pigs found the formula can reduce lung viral load by 30 percent.三,宣肺败毒方 Xuanfeibaidu Xuanfeibaidu Granule, with 13 herbal components, originates from several classic traditional recipes. 主要功效是宣肺化湿、清热透邪、泻肺解毒,适用于轻型、普通型患者治疗。有关研究显示该方可缩短新冠肺炎患者临床症状消失时间、体温复常时间、平均住院天数等,一定程度上能阻断轻型、普通型转重型。 It can detoxify the lungs and clear dampness and heat and is used for treating light and moderate patients. Research has shown the prescription can shorten the time it takes for clinical symptoms to vanish and temperature return to normal and can effectively prevent light and moderate patients from deteriorating.- 疫情期间,为更多朋友能及时有效的预防和治疗,明珠中医提供微信、电话义诊,需要义诊及欲购中药的朋友请电话:4168568456。或 扫下面二维码
- 新冠疫情侵蚀和肆虐着更多人,病毒就在我们周围无孔不入,我们一定要加强防护,扶正祛邪,提高免疫力。祈愿疫情快快结束,还我们美好正常的生活。
功效:化浊驱瘟、醒脑开窍、预防疾病、芳香化湿、避秽解毒, 预防疫病、刺激机体免疫系统,抵御细菌和病毒、提高抵抗力。
使用方法:每人1个香囊,每日取出香囊于鼻前闻,每2小时闻一次,每次1- 3分钟,晚上睡觉时也可放置枕边,每次用后放回袋中封口,以免减缓药效挥发,每2-4周更换一次。
* 大疫出良药。中医药(Traditional Chinese medicines)在这次控制和治疗新冠肺炎疫情中发挥了很好的作用。没有西医特效药,也没有疫苗的关键时刻,中医药就是最好的特效方。
一,清肺排毒汤 Lung Cleansing and Detoxifying Decoction
清肺排毒汤来源于张仲景《伤寒杂病论》中的几个经典名方(recipes),全方共21味中药成分(herbal components),其主要功效是宣肺透邪,清热化湿,健脾化饮。主要在改善发热,咳嗽,乏力等症状方面见效比较快而且明显,能有效促进重症患者肺部影像学改善。
Lung Cleansing and Detoxifying Decoction is derived from several classic recipes in a traditional Chinese medicine work known in English as Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases, which was written by Zhang Zhongjing sometime before 220 AD. It has 21 herbal components and is mainly effective in improving symptoms of fever, cough and fatigue as well as lung condition, as shown by CT scans, in severe patients.
有关基础研究表明,该方可调控多条细胞因子信号通路(cell signal pathway)——细胞之间发送传递信息,来达到抑制病毒复制的目的,从而避免或缓解炎症风暴(cytokine storm) ——细胞因子受病毒感染等诱因过度反应,不分敌我,造成对自身的伤害。重点作用于肺,同时对多个器官提供保护,可作为治疗轻型、普通型、重型、危重型患者的一个通用方。
Studies have proved the decoction can regulate multiple cell signaling pathways – cells communicating with each other by receiving and processing chemical signals in response to environmental changes – to inhibit virus replication and avoid or mitigate cytokine storms, which are an overreaction of cells that damages the immune system.
The decoction targets lungs and can also protect other organs. It can be used as a general recipe for treating mild, moderate, severe and critical patients.
Tong Xiaolin, chief researcher of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and also an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said 1,261 novel coronavirus patients in 10 provinces took the decoction, with 1,102 recovering, symptoms no longer appearing in 29, a further 71 showing improvement and no cases deteriorating.
There were also 40 severe patients. After taking the medicine, 28 were discharged from hospital, and the condition of 10 improved, with their symptoms changing from severe to mild.
二,化湿败毒方 Huashibaidu
Huashibaidu Formula is a core recipe developed by the national traditional Chinese medicine team from the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. Composed of 14 herbal components, the formula is based on the recommendations of the early national diagnosis and treatment plan as well as the experiences from clinical practice at Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital.
Its main efficacy is to detoxify, remove dampness and heat from the body and relieve cough to achieve an inner body balance. It can be used to treat light, moderate and severe patients.
This prescription has a comprehensive treatment effect in different stages of novel coronavirus pneumonia and can significantly shorten the length of hospital stay and improve clinical symptoms and lung condition as shown by CT scans and other examinations. Studies on guinea pigs found the formula can reduce lung viral load by 30 percent.
三,宣肺败毒方 Xuanfeibaidu
Xuanfeibaidu Granule, with 13 herbal components, originates from several classic traditional recipes.
It can detoxify the lungs and clear dampness and heat and is used for treating light and moderate patients. Research has shown the prescription can shorten the time it takes for clinical symptoms to vanish and temperature return to normal and can effectively prevent light and moderate patients from deteriorating.
- 疫情期间,为更多朋友能及时有效的预防和治疗,明珠中医提供微信、电话义诊,需要义诊及欲购中药的朋友请电话:4168568456。或 扫下面二维码
- 新冠疫情侵蚀和肆虐着更多人,病毒就在我们周围无孔不入,我们一定要加强防护,扶正祛邪,提高免疫力。祈愿疫情快快结束,还我们美好正常的生活。
赠人玫瑰,手有余香 启动金指转发出去!